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Now taking bookings for Wim Hof Method fundamental courses, these are currently being run on Saturdays from 1000-1500 and will take you through the three pillars of the Method, breathing, cold water immersion and mindset. Please see the calendar at the end of the page for current dates.
If you've reached this page you've probably heard about the Wim Hof Method, it is a combination of breath work, cold water immersion and mindset to, as the tag line goes, make you Happy, Strong and Healthy. I would personally recommend that you don't over research before you join a fundamentals course, you may well have practiced some or all of the methods at home which is the whole purpose of the method but practicing with a group and an instructor will give you insights and techniques that can help you maintain and grow your practice. I look forward to welcoming you to Heyford House.
We recommend you precede the course by taking short cold showers at the end of your normal shower starting with 10 seconds and building up as you feel comfortable towards a couple of minutes. The ice bath, as with everything, is always optional, but the proven benefits along with the positive physical feelings nearly everyone experiences will no doubt have you learning for more.
Breath work is done in a warm safe environment and you can follow your own pace and let your body feel its way into the method. The method involves deep, controlled, conscious breathing along with breath holds but always working within your personal limits.
We will talk about how you can make the most of the method by using a positive mindset, as well as enjoying and learning about different aspects of meditation and oure relaxation.
There's always time for relaxing, asking questions and sharing experiences. you will also be welcome to join a WhatsApp group to keep in touch, ask questions and share experiences.
Why not arrange your own private day for you and your colleagues. The benefits of having a strong, happy and healthy workforce are undeniable. It can act as a great bonding session in itself but also open them to the potential benefits to their lifestyles which will benefit your company. If it is successful we can also arrange ongoing breath work sessions at your place of work be it weekly, fortnightly or monthly thus maintaining the impetus and the benefits to the company.
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Wim Hof Method Fundamental Courses at Heyford House, please click on the date to be taken direct to the Wim Hof site to make the booking please not some are Saturday and some Sunday..
Sunday 23rd February 1000-1530
Remember if you've booked a course we also run a B&B and you might be able to stay the night before or after your course just head to our website by clicking here
You can click the links above in the calendar section and book via my portal on the Wim Hof Method official website, however if you have more questions please feel free to contact me direct.